Can’t get enough of that grin

Here are a few more tantalizing morsels… Sure, I love a shirtless man, but give me that adorable smile, that cute grin, that sexy expression, and I am lost.


Let’s start with OH MY GOD. Not only is Dwayne Johnson one of the sexiest men on the planet!_DwayneJohnson1, he’s also got one of the cutest grins any man can have.


Even More Lethal!


Then there’s Vin Diesel. I mean really.

Another sexy man, and look at this laugh.


Give it to us Vin!


Who’d have thought there was a body like this in the guy from Parks and Rec? Chris Pratt had a cute smile then, but Oh, Lordy. Combined with this body…



I think I have a serious thing for sexy smiles.


And Sexy bodies. Definitely Sexy Bodies.  

One of my favorite Actors EVER, Will Smith  has the physique going for him…


And guess what else. The freaking sexy smile!!!

1_Matt_Damon_Bourne1_Matt_Damon_shirtless_Invictus 1_Matt_Damon_smile

Matt Damon…

Another one of my favorite actors EVER. 

I could watch him in the Bourne movies over and over and over.

Oh, wait. I have.

He apparently doesn’t do much shirtless, because I managed to find this pic as the closest I could get. 

Works for me!

Can you possibly guess what else?


I could watch him all day… Just give me a glimpse of that smile.


Maybe what started it was back in the day, when a rebel without a cause named Han Solo in Star Wars gave that cute grin that sent my teenage heart to pattering.

And as Indy–forget about it. I think Harrison Ford was my first love affair with a man with a grin that could make a woman melt! 1_HarrisonFord1

Sure, I like a nice physique, but give me a man with a sexy smile any day.

What’s your favorite attribute  in a man? (With his pants on, ladies. LOL)


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About cheymccray

Cheyenne McCray is an award winning, New York Times and USA Today Best Selling author who is a rare native Arizonan but refuses to be put behind glass as an endangered species. In her spare time she loves to torture characters--whether they're misbehaving or not—and kill off deserving individuals. She also totally gets off on blowing things up. All fictionally, of course. She'd rather chew glass than write sweet and sugary. Give her a hideous demon or particularly nasty villain to slay any day. Cheyenne enjoys creating stories of love, suspense, and redemption—in some cases. She enjoys building worlds her readers can get lost in. Hopefully they'll find their way out, but stranger things have been known to happen. If you would like to find out what odd and unusual things Cheyenne is up to these days, cruise her website any time, take a look at the bizarrely normal yet strange FAQs, and even drop her a line or two. Just not too hard—those things hurt. You might even learn a few things about that kinky author, Jaymie Holland. (Just don't tell Cheyenne's mom.

12 thoughts on “Can’t get enough of that grin

  1. Eyes especially if they’ve got killer baby blues. My next is some broad shoulders. Give me a set of muscularly broad shoulder that taper down to a trim waist and a chunky butt (in a snug pair of Levi’s) and I’m a puddle. If you add a killer, slightly off-kilter, smile…I’m no good, lol.


  2. Sexy smile, playful eyes and a face that radiates genuiness and kindness with a hint of sauciness and a great sense of play and humor. What I love is that it seems like every day I discover a new sexy man through books, film or t.v. I have to say an accent doesn’t hurt either. Right now, Daniel Craig is high on my radar due to my anticipation of the next installment of James Bond. I am counting the days.


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