Cheyenne’s Illustrated Writing FAQs

Cheyenne’s Writing FAQs 


Cheyenne May 2013–somebody is doing a good job of making me laugh

Q: How many books and novellas have you written?

A: As of September 2015, I am writing my 98th. It’s titled Chained, and is the first in the new “Angels of Darkness” series.

Angels of Darkness: CHAINED January 12, 2016

Angels of Darkness: CHAINED
April, 2016

I’ve written 62 full-length novels that are in print.

I have also written 35 novellas of all shapes and sizes that have been included in anthologies, collections, box sets, and sold alone as short novellas. The picture I’ve included is a cabinet where I keep one of every book I’ve written. Some are in foreign languages, hence the fact there are more than 62 in the cabinet. 🙂 I believe I also have ARCs  in there!201520my20books_zpspsulrwlq

Q: In what genres/subgenres have you written?

A: Ready? I’ve written young adult for ages 11+; paranormal romance; romantic suspense; suspense with elements of romance; urban fantasy, fantasy, contemporary cowboys, and erotic romance.


Q:What are your favorite scenes to write?

A: I like to blow things up! Fictionally, of course. 🙂 


Q: Where do you get your ideas for your books?

A: I love this quote by Stephen King that sums it up. 🙂


But since you may not be a writer–I do get ideas from everywhere: my personal life; a tidbit I might see, read, or hear; dreams; and more recently, tarot cards. I now have four different decks that include shifters, angels, gods and goddesses. Fun stuff.

Q: What kinds of research do you do?

200520Taking20notes20SF_zpshz1ni8ipA: That’s such a huge question. I’ve traveled all over the U.S., often on my own, to cities like San Francisco, Boston, and New York City, where I’ve set some of my major series.

I have interviewed Federal Agents, U.S. Marshals, councilmen, nurses, police officers, detectives, museum curators, and on and on. Here is a picture of me in San Francisco’s China Town, writing down notes for my “Magic” series that was set in that city. I don’t think I blew up China Town in that series, but I destroyed most of the rest of the City by the Bay. (Sorry, SF residents!)

Much more recently, I attended The Writers’ Police Academy in Appleton, WI, which was fantastic. From the facility to the classes to the activities to the quality of the instructors and the event. Incredible.


Q: At the Writers’ Police Academy did you really shoot “weapons of destruction?”

A: This is a rubber gun


201520WPA20shooting20rifle_zpsie3jsayzQ: But did you really shoot a gun at the WPA?

A: A police rifle. Great research. Would do it again.


Q: Where do you work on all of your crazy ideas? 

A: My nutty ideas often come to fruition from my comfy recliner in my office, or my desk. I’m more partial to the recliner.


I also have an outdoor office. In great weather, I like to sit in a lounge chair near the spool (that’s what we call a spa/pool).


Sometimes I go to Starbucks when I need to get OUT of the house and be around other Starbucks logohuman beings as opposed to my dogs. I don’t have any pictures of me at the coffee shop. I’ll have to get one!

Q: Who are some of your favorite authors?Heavens Prisoners JLB

A: I know a lot of authors in the romance genre and some outside of it. There are two authors I’d go fangirl on:

James Lee Burke (My #1 author. Absolutely incredible. I’d so go fangirl on him. I love his Dave Robicheaux novels!)

Diamond Tiger EL_AMElizabeth Lowell (I’m a fangirl! she was my first romance writer love.

It was her book as Ann Maxwell, The Diamond Tiger that made me consider changing from YA to romance, which of course I did.)

Elizabeth Peters (I adore Amelia Peabody and her adventures and misadventures solving mysteries in the late 1800s and later turn of the century.

David Baldacci (I love assassins, special ops, and black ops, etc. suspense thrillers. Baldacci is amazing. And have you seen how good-looking he is? I also have a crush on him.)

Jim Butcher. (I met him when he was furry. Wow, does he clean up well without all the face-fur and wild mane. Harry Dresden, a down-on-his-luck modern-day practicing sorcerer—how could you not like him?)

J.K. Rowling. (Harry Potter. Enough said… Okay, not enough. J.K. is one of the most brilliant authors of our time.)

Of course there are more, but these are some of my favorite authors–I would go to them on my eBook shelf on my iPad, or audiobook list on my iPod, anytime.

Q: What were some of your favorite books as a kid?

A: I was a voracious reader. I read everything I could get my hands on.

My very favorite book as a child was The Velvet Room by Zilpha SnyderVelvet20Room_zpsrcsuzl79

I read every Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Bobbsey Twins, and Cherry Ames book I could get my hands on. And of course I read every one of the Little House on the Prairie books.

I’m surprised we have no pictures of me with a book in my hands because I always did!

Thanks for joining me in some of my personal Writing FAQs. I hope you enjoyed them. 🙂 Feel free to ask questions in the comments section and I’ll include the questions in the FAQ!


Cheyenne's BMG logo

Cheyenne’s BMG logo


Angels of Darkness: CHAINED January 12th, 2016

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About cheymccray

Cheyenne McCray is an award winning, New York Times and USA Today Best Selling author who is a rare native Arizonan but refuses to be put behind glass as an endangered species. In her spare time she loves to torture characters--whether they're misbehaving or not—and kill off deserving individuals. She also totally gets off on blowing things up. All fictionally, of course. She'd rather chew glass than write sweet and sugary. Give her a hideous demon or particularly nasty villain to slay any day. Cheyenne enjoys creating stories of love, suspense, and redemption—in some cases. She enjoys building worlds her readers can get lost in. Hopefully they'll find their way out, but stranger things have been known to happen. If you would like to find out what odd and unusual things Cheyenne is up to these days, cruise her website any time, take a look at the bizarrely normal yet strange FAQs, and even drop her a line or two. Just not too hard—those things hurt. You might even learn a few things about that kinky author, Jaymie Holland. (Just don't tell Cheyenne's mom.

3 thoughts on “Cheyenne’s Illustrated Writing FAQs

    • And for your second question, Angel: There are SO many places I want to go to. Spain, more of Italy (such as Venice, Murano, Rome), Greece, Scotland, Germany, Austria, more of France, Thailand… Enough places to keep me busy for the next 50 years, I’d imagine!


  1. Hey Angel! All I have for you is a brief teaser:
    The Fallen are among us…
    They may be our only salvation.
    The powers that be scattered angels of darkness around the world to redeem themselves. A brotherhood of three rogue angels protects the citizens of San Francisco from the wrath of vengeful demons.
    Things are about to get a whole lot worse now that the demons have found Charmayne…
    Possibly worst of all…Darkwolf has returned.
    Micah must protect Charmayne at all costs…or risk losing his soul…and losing her.


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